Primary Purpose Area
| All Primary Purpose Area of Narcotics Anonymous Sub Committee Meetings (except those noted below) are held on the 1st Saturday of every Month at 11:30 a.m. The Literature Sub Committee meets at 11:00 a.m. The Public Information Sub Committee and the Outreach Sub Committee meets at 10:30 a.m. All meetings are held at: The Recovery Building105 East Bourke Street Macon, MO 63552 The purpose of the Primary Purpose Area of Narcotics Anonymous Service Subcommittees is to support the local NA groups in helping to carry the message of recovery. Currently, there are two main subcommittees and one Convention committee. More information on each subcommittee can be found by following any of the links on this page.
Home > Services
to Members > Service Pamphlets
Service pamphlets (SP’s) are intended for use as a resource for groups and service bodies. The World Board was directed by a motion at WSC 2006 to develop service related pamphlets for use by the fellowship. Service pamphlets are not intended to be recovery literature or to be used as the basis of a topic during a recovery meeting. They are intended for help in your discussion in group business meetings or in service committees. They are our best attempt at collecting some of the more successful practices in our fellowship in dealing with sensitive or difficult topics. They are similar to what has been previously been released as NAWS Bulletins and should be treated in much the same way. They are easily adaptable by NA World Services so we welcome and invite your input and ideas. They are intended to be one more tool to assist us all in our efforts to carry the message to the addict who still suffers. Service Pamphlets An Introduction to NA Meetings Principles and Leadership in NA Service | Group Trusted Servants | Group Business Meetings Disruptive and Violent Behavior | NA Groups and Medication
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