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problem? We can help
Anonymous can
help you find the freedom to live your life without the use of drugs.
are a non-profit, international, community based organization for recovering
addicts. NA members learn from one another
how to live drug free and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives.
If you think you may have a problem with drugs of any kind, please call
an NA helpline or come to one of our meetings! This simple act can be the start of
a new life free from the constant pain of addiction.

All of us in the
fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous have asked ourselves this crucial question. It
is perhaps the most difficult decision we have ever had to make. Maybe we could
admit that we had addictive tendencies when it came to food, work and play etc,
but never drugs! Denial played a great part in preventing us from answering
honestly. There is however, a leaflet with a series of questions which can help:
It is called 'Am I an addict?' and is reproduced online by the World Service
here to open it in a new window.
There are other leaflets
also available on this site and online:
you're new to NA, welcome! We're glad you've found us and we're here to
help. Here are just a few suggestions as you start on the road to
to a lot of meetings and don't use in between. You just have to avoid
the first usage.
is a 24 hour program. if you will take it one day at a time, it will
be easier to stay clean. Even long-time members think of living just one day
at a time, because living is just made up of a long series of todays.
Speaks for iteslf. Each speaker speaks for himself or herself only,
not for NA as a whole.
- remember this is an anonymous program. The names and what is said in
NA meetings stays in the meeting.
a sponsor as soon as possible. Your sponsor is your NA advisor and
friend. Temporary sponsors are available - ask about it after a meeting.
- H.A.L.T stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired. Avoid these
conditions, especially any two of them combined. They can trigger the desire
to use, when that isn't at all what you want.
- H.O.W. stands for Honesty, Open-mindedness and Willingness. You'll
hear lots about these at NA meetings. It's good to concentrate on
open-mindedness in the beginning, while you're listening and learning about
NA. Try not to make any judgments for awhile.
your routine. Avoid places and people you used with. Set up a daily schedule
for yourself.
the phone. Use phone numbers you get from NA members. Part of the recovery
process is reaching out to others. We all need each other.
Does it! Remember, you don't have to accomplish it all today. Most of
us used for a long time and we can't expect to recover overnight. Keep your
life simple and use your support systems. This will build a strong
foundation for your recovery.